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Trucks, Cars and Highway Work Zones

No matter how much insurance you might have on your truck or car, it would be little comfort in the event that you were involved in a serious crash. Once of the most risky scenarios for drivers of all vehicles can be driving through a construction zone. Accidents are relatively common in these zones, and [...]

By |2012-07-26T01:20:00-07:00July 26th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments

Tasks to Complete Before Each Trucking Trip

What is one of the best ways to avoid filing a claim with your truck insurance provider? Keeping your mind focused on the road and avoiding accidents. To help center your mind on the drive ahead of you, you may want to complete these tasks. Inspection How many miles does your average trip include? You [...]

By |2017-05-19T11:47:20-07:00July 17th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments

Tips for Driving In Rain

With warm summer weather often comes with heavy rain in many parts of the country. Long haul driving can be dangerous at the best of times, but when you add severe weather into the mix, it can become treacherous. Keep safer on the road and help keep your truck insurance claims to a minimum by [...]

By |2012-07-12T06:55:00-07:00July 12th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments

Taking Care of Your Vehicles

When you rely on your truck for your livelihood, it makes sense to take good care of it. Performing regular maintenance on your vehicles can help keep them working for longer, reduce the chance of an accident and could even help you to keep your truck insurance claims to a minimum. It is sensible to [...]

By |2017-05-19T11:47:20-07:00July 3rd, 2012|Blog|0 Comments

Staying Safe at Railroad Crossings

As an owner/operator, you probably understand the importance of truck insurance. After an accident, if you are unable to replace or repair your truck, you will be unable to continue your career behind the wheel. Sometimes collisions occur because drivers are inexperienced with handling a big rig. Operation Lifesaver, Inc. has compiled these tips to [...]

By |2012-06-25T01:50:00-07:00June 25th, 2012|Blog|0 Comments
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