Launching a contracting business is the dream of many Californian plumbers, electricians and other building professionals who like the idea of being responsible for their own destinies. Starting out on your own can mean a substantial investment, so be sure to protect your assets by purchasing California contractors insurance.

While a well-run contracting business has the potential to earn a contractor a comfortable living, launching your own business exposes you to risks and you will need to manage cash flow carefully and look for any opportunity to increase business while minimizing operating costs.

You may need to market your services to generate business in the start-up phase of your contracting business, but you don’t need an expensive campaign. Take advantage of any opportunity to give your business card to prospective customers, and you might want to distribute advertising flyers to mail boxes in your area.  

Marketing gurus always say that retaining existing customers is much more cost-effective than trying to find new customers. The best way of looking after your customers is to consistently provide excellent workmanship, but it’s important to back up your technical skills with people skills. It’s common courtesy to return calls, show up on time for appointments and honor your commitments; consistent service to your customers will gain you a reputation for reliability that will give your contracting business the edge over your competition.

Purchase California contractors insurance to protect your investment in your contracting business. Providing a consistently reliable service costs little, but it can help you to build up a base of loyal, happy customers.
