

How much Insurance do I need for my Contracting Business?

By |2017-05-19T11:47:21-07:00February 1st, 2012|Blog|

Some new business ventures can start on a shoestring, without much investment in equipment. A low-cost business start-up may be necessary because the business owner lacks capital resources, but a prudent entrepreneur who has access to capital may also choose not to purchase much business equipment until it’s clear that the venture is sustainable. This [...]

California Contractors & Inland Marine Insurance

By |2017-05-19T11:47:21-07:00January 18th, 2012|Blog|

Contractors who are shopping around for California contractors insurance sometimes chance upon the term “inland marine.” This is one of those confusing insurance terms which lead many contractors to make the decision to ask an insurance agency to take on the task of finding the best insurance coverage for them. Inland marine insurance is a [...]

California Contractors Insurance & Word of Mouth Referrals

By |2017-05-19T11:47:21-07:00January 13th, 2012|Blog|

Plumbers, like other building professionals, are always in demand and starting a business as a plumbing contractor in California is likely to be an opportunity to make a comfortable living. Working as a plumbing contractor involves financial risks, and it’s essential that your contracting business carries appropriate California contractors insurance to protect your investment in [...]

Five Essential Elements of California Contractors Insurance

By |2012-01-05T03:40:00-08:00January 5th, 2012|Blog|

Are you thinking of setting up in business in California as a contractor? In addition to your trade skills and business acumen, you will need to invest in materials, vehicles, equipment, business premises and California contractors insurance. Rather than spending time shopping round for coverage, consider engaging the services of an insurance agency to find [...]

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